Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eyecatcher: The Marbury Lens by Andrew Smith

The Marbury Lens

by Andrew Smith


Feiwel & Friends

ISBN: 9780312613426

Release Date: November 2010

from the publisher's site:

Sixteen-year-old Jack gets drunk and is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is kidnapped. He escapes, narrowly. The only person he tells is his best friend, Conner. When they arrive in London as planned for summer break, a stranger hands Jack a pair of glasses. Through the lenses, he sees another world called Marbury.

There is war in Marbury. It is a desolate and murderous place where Jack is responsible for the survival of two younger boys. Conner is there, too. But he’s trying to kill them.

Meanwhile, Jack is falling in love with an English girl, and afraid he’s losing his mind.

Conner tells Jack it’s going to be okay.

But it’s not.

why it caught my eye:

This is another cover that caught my attention at work. It's currently displayed on a table, so I noticed it when I walked by. I'm intrigued by the premise and can't wait to take a look at it. So yes, I have yet another addition to my ever-growing wishlist. :)

1 comment:

Short Poems said...

An inspiring addition :)
Loved your site!